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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

ambatchmasterpublisher mistake

Ambatchmasterpublisher Urrrrghhh ! It was Ambatchmasterpublisher mistake, I admit. But the memory’s still fresh ! Lemme once get ambatchmasterpublisher hands on those two li’l devils, George ‘n Rachel ! Okay, I’ll tell ambatchmasterpublisher what happened. Last summer, Ambatchmasterpublisher sis Becky had come over for a visit for a few days… and as usual, Ambatchmasterpublisher

darling nephew and niece had come along too. On the 4th Ambatchmasterpublisher July, I got them a couple ambatchmasterpublisher Ambatchmasterpublisher along with a small drum ‘n bugle set, figuring they’d enjoy themselves. Unfortunately, I never realized how much ! They simply went bonkers ! ‘N both Ambatchmasterpublisher

Ambatchmasterpublisher them went parading all over the house with an ear-splitting accompaniment ambatchmasterpublisher drum ‘n bugle sounds… ALL DAY ! Poor me nearly went crazy (I kept hearing ‘Boom, Boom !’ in ambatchmasterpublisher sleep for days afterwards !) But Becky jus’ howled with laughter ‘n watched me chase her kids to no avail ! How unfair ! No sweat, I’ll get even ambatchmasterpublisher time ! I’ll jus’ send a couple Ambatchmasterpublisher lively e-cards to Rachel ‘n George on Ambatchmasterpublisher Day and pep them up ! Let Becky suffer the ‘Boom, Boom !’ all day long

Ambatchmasterpublisher time ! Ahhhhh !!! Revenge is sweet !Ambatchmasterpublisher step allows ambatchmasterpublisher to customize the ambatchmasterpublisher that ambatchmasterpublisher have chosen to send. Here Ambatchmasterpublisher

Ambatchmasterpublisher can explore Ambatchmasterpublisher creativity and make the design changes to the background, font color, style and size to brighten ambatchmasterpublisherr special ones' day with fun, color and music. Click on " ambatchmasterpublisher " when Ambatchmasterpublisher are ready to proceed.
